Agile Twins for Manufacturing

Optimize, transform, and streamline manufacturing processes

Visualize, monitor, and manage your facility assets

Industry 4.0 is driven by connected devices that need constant monitoring and management.  Everyone is looking for more / better ways to leverage their data for business value.  But the pace and scale of data collection is pushing the limits of traditional BI/KPI dashboards.  At the same time, the time and cost of building a full-scale digital twin is often beyond a reasoable ROI or not necessary for smaller-scale projects. 

Agile Digital Twins fill the gap with:

  • geo-positioning across a network of sites
  • detailed custom mutli-level floor plans
  • 3D models of individual assets
  • real-time operating / IoT data

If the time and cost of a full scale digital twin is beyond a reasonable ROI, but your business needs more than a traditional BI/KPI dashboard, let’s start a conversation.

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