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Release Notes

Discover the newest additions to Hopara


Jun 3 2024

Hopara has become increasingly popular for displaying room and floor statuses within facilities using TVs and tablets. This release improves this use case by adding a full-screen mode and real-time updates of configuration and position changes.

Real-time updates

Object and visualization updates now reflect in real-time. This means the user no longer needs to manually refresh all devices when, for example, the look and feel of a visualization is changed.

Demonstration of real-time updates in the Hopara application, showing how configurations and position changes are dynamically updated on screen.
Demonstration of real-time updates showing how configurations and position changes are dynamically updated on another device.

Full-screen mode

The user can now enter in full-screen mode by clicking on the icon on the navigation bar.

Video showing how to enter full-screen mode in the application.
Video showing how to enter full-screen mode.

Multiple undo operations and hotkeys

Hopara now supports multiple undo operations. We also added hotkey support for heavy users (e.g. ctrl+z for undo, delete for unplace).

Example of multiple undo operations and shortcut usage.
Video demonstrating the use of multiple undo commands and keyboard shortcuts.

Date filters

Hopara now supports both relative and absolute date filters. Combined with the zoom operation this enables the user to quickly investigate and troubleshoot an incident.

Screenshot showing both relative and absolute date filters.
Screenshot displaying the functionality of relative and absolute date filters.

Simplified mobile interface

To better take advantage of the limited space on mobile devices we've simplified the Hopara interface in such devices. The zoom-in and zoom-out buttons were removed, mobile users are already used to zooming with the pinch gesture. In the elevator, we now only show the current floor. The place using GPS is now the default place option and the details panel was redesigned.

Preview of the simplified mobile interface on a smartphone.
Preview of the new simplified mobile interface tailored for smartphone users.

SAML single sign-on

We've added single sign-on support using SAML. This enables the Hopara integration with the customer's existing login system (e.g. Okta), reducing user friction.

Additional improvements and bug fixes